The Routines of an 83-Year-Old Neurologist Who Preserves Brain Health and Increases Lifespan



The wellness sector is now centered on the concept of longevity. Every year, people invest trillions of dollars into trying to solve this riddle.

Pursuing healthspan can increase your lifespan, but having a long life without excellent health is a burden that will bring you nothing but misery.

Your longevity is proportional to the state of your brain, as memory is among the first bodily functions to deteriorate with age.

Even at the age of 83, the doctor continues to outperform most young people on memory tests, making him the ideal person to learn about memory from.

Professor and neuropsychiatrist Richard Restak maintains good brain health well into his 80s by drawing on his extensive understanding of the brain.

These are the most important things he does on a daily basis to maintain his memory sharp.

An approach to memorization that guarantees accurate recollection

Grocery shopping is completed if you don’t recollect a significant item that you neglected to get on the way back.

The crushing sadness you experience when you have to look from the closest U-turn to plunge yourself back in the sea of consumers.

Impaired memory is a hallmark of becoming older, but it may also indicate a more serious neurological disorder.

But these little incidents are a consequence of absentmindedness or stress. You don’t spend enough attention to mundane information, therefore you forget it soon.

Dr. Restak, on the other hand, employs a quirky memory remembrance game to remember minor and apparently inconsequential facts that you forget quickly.

He employs a mix of visuals and locations to recall things that he may forget. Combine the item with a location that you know and visit.

Use your imagination to create a picture so vivid that it becomes impossible to forget. Your kitchen sink overflowing with coffee taps or your workplace desk packed with bread folders.

These vivid imageries maintain your working memory alive and flourishing as these workouts develop your brain to have greater recall.

You need to train your brain regularly if you want to utilize it for a long period. Learning and using a new word every day is another practice that he follows.

The thicker the storyline the better it is for the brain

Brain health is largely more on your lifestyle than heredity. Your behaviors are strong enough to raise or lessen the influence of hereditary risk.

Your regular habit is the key to greater brain health. It may lessen or even avoid the effects of hereditary risk.

Yet most of us recognize the importance of following excellent daily routines too late. But as a neurologist, Dr. Rastek has designed a program of practices that improve brain capacity.

And one practice that he advocates regularly in several of his books is reading.
Good novels become great when you’re entirely engrossed in the narrative.

He suggests reading fiction since it’s the greatest method to participate in a storyline. It challenges your memory since you have to recall the characters and narrative.

Also, it increases your recollection since you’ll have to keep track of every key action and connect the dots.

It’s a complicated habit that sharpens your working memory, enhances vocabulary, and boosts your verbal abilities.

But a rookie, seeking to build a reading habit frequently falls for the self-improvement cliche, which causes them lose interest in reading even before they start.

Self-improvement books are not everyone’s cup of tea but the huge selection of fiction may undoubtedly help you find a genre of your preference.

Moreover, the narrative in fiction will make it simpler for you to savor the skill of reading. It will retain your attention for long.

He is a writer of more than twenty non-fiction works yet he still promotes fiction repeatedly, to increase brain health and memory.

So, follow the storyline page by page to enjoy a wonderful narrative and a better brain.

The common addiction that damages brain health

Your lifestyle is the most controllable aspect for your health. Your behaviors alone may assist you obtain an agile brain that lengthens your health span.

But society’s influence may destroy your vision of a healthy living. You learn to perceive certain undesirable behaviors in a favorable light because they are depicted as such.

The corporate world encourages you to consider sitting 9–10 hours everyday as a normal scenario while in fact it rots your brain health.

A sedentary lifestyle has become an addiction that has contributed greatly to the worldwide catastrophe of neurological disorders.

Yet we are locked in this warped world where sitting for hours is an essential requirement and not the agony that it actually is.

But not all sedentary activities are harmful for you. Replace your daily television frenzy with reading, crafts, and socializing to reduce the damage.

Sitting is a quiet addiction that damages your body and brain yet it may be repaired simply.

The true addiction that takes a toll on your brain health is alcohol, but our culture promotes it.

Your lifestyle is a mirror of the culture that permits the ingestion of poison that will ruin your brain health totally.

Habits are founded on the environment that is gradually impacted by the culture that can’t rejoice without a drink.

It’s a requirement that you are compelled to obey. If you break from this course, you will be questioned and humiliated.

The acceptance of alcohol expanded its appeal and made it the wonder drug it is today.

This addiction impacts your brain health rapidly even in modest amounts. Moderate use of alcohol might disrupt executive function and slow down your problem-solving abilities.

Lifestyle has permitted these two addictions that damage your brain health and memory.

Dr. Restak recommends his patients to stop alcohol by 70, since it’s a neurotoxic that affects memory and depletes brain function.

A zero-effort practice that keeps your brain fresh

A fast-paced lifestyle is the blame for poor brain health since it has normalized the evils that damage your brain health.

But what’s worse it has also made you doubt the advantages of excellent practices. One such habit is sleep. The self-cleaning mechanism that maintains your brain healthy and growing.

Sleep is necessary for greater brain function and memory retention. But. today we don’t think twice before sacrificing sleep.

You disregard sleep just to watch one more episode. Bedtime procrastination and hustling culture have depicted sleep as overrated.

The reality can’t be farther from that fantasy. Sleep is a cornerstone of health that may protect you from the clutches of numerous lifestyle disorders including diabetes, obesity, stroke, and Alzheimer’s.

So, not only is your lifestyle permitting these ailments but it also prohibits you from adopting one practice that might protect you from these ills.

Sleep is needed for proper brain function. Your brain is constantly at work while you sleep, it encodes new information and also consolidates existing memories for greater recall.

Your learning capacities might diminish by 40% due of insufficient sleep. Lack of sleep may also contribute to poor attention and brain fog.

Dr. Restak is a huge believer of brief naps throughout the day to make up on sleep deprivation. Over the years he has taught himself to snooze for precisely thirty minutes to combat the afternoon slump.

So, slow down the pace of your hurried lifestyle and find the opportunity to enjoy an afternoon sleep once in a while.


Longevity is all the rage right now. This trillion-dollar sector has become the focal point of health and wellbeing.

But longevity without excellent health is a curse that will make you go through misery in your latter years.

So, construct a lifestyle that helps you reach a greater health span to sustain good health throughout your life.

  • Read complicated fiction works that make you hang onto the narrative.

  • Devise a superior memory approach by linking photos to a locus.

  • Make sleep a key priority by improving your sleep routine.

  • Don’t allow socially acceptable unhealthy behaviors like sitting and drinking become the norm.


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